Sunday, August 19, 2018

Reference Site

Sunday, August 12, 2018


The address was talking about N. The teacher initially gave data about N, which shows that N, N, and N are principal components. Furthermore, while one of a kind parts of N, N and in addition N were depicted, he attested that the criticalness of N and N truly couldn't be overestimated.
At last, he reasoned N from what expounded on N.

PTE Magazine Template for “Summarize Spoken Text”

The lecture was discussing N. The lecturer firstly provided information about N, which indicates that N, N, and N are fundamental elements. Secondly, whereas unique aspects of N, N as well as N were delineated, he asserted that the significance of N and N really could not be overestimated. Finally, he deduced N from what elaborated on N.
Total word count including key points (Ns): 58
Number of key points: 12


The lecture was discussing coral reefs. The lecturer firstly provided information about storms, which indicates that breaking waves and dissipating energy are fundamental elements. Secondly, whereas unique aspects of storm costs, combined hydrodynamic as well as ecological models were delineated, he asserted that the significance of future floods, shorter reefs, and ecosystems really could not be overestimated. Finally, he deduced the flood protection from what elaborated on the global economy.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Describe Image

Line to speak
Speak for
This image explains us about the climate changes for different regions over few recent years.
8 -10 Seconds
Fact 1
As we closely look at the image value for the first category is quite low but after few years it increased gradually.
9-10  Seconds
Fact 2
Apart from this, if we talk about other categories it has remained highest as compared to others during the entire period.
9 -10 Seconds
So, in conclusion, we can say that the trend kept fluctuating over the past years and in future, it is expected to follow the same pattern.
10 -11 seconds.

Template (Source: PTEMagazine)

The image shows/displays content.
It also shows content.
In this image, we can see content.
The information indicates content.
In addition to this information, we can notice content.
From the image, we can conclude content.

Template (shruti collection in PTEMagazine)
1. Introduction
The given bar graph represents....+ Title + X-axis + Y-axis
2. Body( main point UP & DOWN)
If you follow the graph closely, you can observe that .....which closely touches to........ , followed by......

3. Conclusion
After analyzing the details given in this graph, we can conclude that.

Another Template
The image shows ...
It also shows ...
It also shows ...
Overall, it can be seen that ...

On the other hand, another visible feature is that ...

In addition to this information, you may notice that ...

From the image, it is quite clear that ...

Lastly, it is very surprising to see that ...

To conclude, it is quite clear that ...


Any template for Re-tell the lecture?

1) The Speaker was discussing topic.
2) S/He TALKED about KEYWORD 1.
6) S/He TALKED about KEYWORD 5.

Template (Soruce: PTEMagazine)

The lecture was about content 1, content 2, content 3.

It was also about content 4, content 5, content 6.
The information indicates content 7, content 8, content 9.
In addition to this information, we can notice content 10, content 11, content 12.

It was also about content 13, content 14, content 15.
The information indicates content 16, content 17, content 18.
In addition to this information, we can notice content 19, content 20, content 21.

From the lecture, we can conclude content 21, content 22, content 23.

Another Template
The lecture was about ...
It was also about ...
It was also about ...
Overall, it can be seen that ...

On the other hand, another visible feature is that ...

In addition to this information, you may notice that ...

From the lecture, it is quite clear that ...

Lastly, it is very surprising to see that ...

To conclude, it is quite clear that ...

Tuesday, August 7, 2018




  • Plan your essay in an order by checking it whether it is an Opinion essay, advantages & disadvantages, or Problem & Solution.
  • Be aware of Spellings, Grammar, Plurals.
  • Use good Vocabulary to score good marks.
  • Essay structure – Intro, Body, Conclusion.
  • Try to write atleast 3-5 paragraphs. Intro – 1para, Body – 2-3paras, Conclusion – 1para.
  • No use bullet points.
  • In the body, the section gives examples, reasons, statistics to describe. 
  • Time Manage – 3min Plan, 14min writing, 3min checking(spellings, grammar).

essay Template for pte
By: @HMirzababaei (PTEMagazine)

Recently, TOPIC has sparked an ongoing controversy, which inevitably leads to a moot question Choose an item.. Whereas it is a widely held view that Choose an item., I will discuss controversial aspects of that throughout this essay.

From the X standpoint, X are bound up inextricably with X, which indicates they lead to both X and X. As a well-known example, a longitudinal study conducted by eminent scientists in 2014 demonstrates the relationship between X and X as well as an exponential increase in X. Their academic criticism was impressive. Researchers, nevertheless, paid heed to X, X, and X alike. Consequently, my empirical evidence presented thus far supports the contention that the likelihood of X is correlated positively with not only X but also X.

Within the realm of X, without the slightest doubt, X attribute to X, in that it would come down to X, X, and X. A salient example of such attribution is X, which is a cause for concern since it was mistaken to take X for granted. Had there been a paradigm shift earlier, scholars might have had the opportunity to pinpoint X problems. Likewise, hardly had they confined their attention to X, X, and even X. Besides, this criterion is an indispensable part of modern lifestyle. Hence, it is reasonable to infer the pivotal role of X.

To conclude, as for myself, as the saying goes “all’s well that ends well,” after analyzing what elaborated above, Choose an item. that Choose an item. However, with the benefit of hindsight, we conceive the more we research, the further we discover. Meanwhile, as a feasible solution, the local authorities are recommended to enforce some strict legislation, and individuals are hoped to heighten their intellect.

PTE Magazine Template for “Write Essay”

Recently, TOPIC has sparked an ongoing controversy, which inevitably leads to a moot question Choose an item.[1] Whereas it is a widely held view that Choose an item.[2], I will discuss controversial aspects of that throughout this essay.

From the Choose an item. standpoint, X are bound up inextricably with X, which indicates they lead to both X and X. As a well-known example, a longitudinal study conducted by eminent scientists in 2014 demonstrates the relationship between X and X as well as an exponential increase in X. Their academic criticism was impressive. Consequently, my empirical evidence presented thus far supports the contention that the likelihood of X is correlated positively with not only X but also X.

Within the realm of Choose an item. science, without the slightest doubt, X attribute to X, in that it would come down to X, and X. A salient example of such attribution is X, which is a cause for concern since it was mistaken to take X for granted. Had there been a paradigm shift earlier, scholars might have had the opportunity to pinpoint Choose an item. problems. Likewise, hardly had they confined their attention to X, X, and even X. Hence, it is reasonable to infer the pivotal role of X.

To conclude, as for myself, as the saying goes “all’s well that ends well,” after analyzing what elaborated above, Choose an item.[3] that Choose an item.[4] [1]However, with the benefit of hindsight, we conceive the more we research, the further we discover. [2]Meanwhile, as a feasible solution, the local authorities are recommended to enforce some strict legislation, and individuals are hoped to heighten their intellect.
All topics (excluding problem-solution essays): [1] | NA
Problem-solution essays: [1] and [2] | [2] | NA

[1] “what are the positive and negative consequences?” | “is it advantageous or not?” | “who is responsible for this?” | “what steps can be taken to tackle this challenge?”
[2] X is highly beneficial | governments must remain liable for this issue
[3] I firmly believe | I entirely agree
[4] X is of high importance. | the advantages of X are of more significance. | X must be taken into consideration. | the advantages of X outweigh its disadvantages. | governments must remain accountable for X. | X is the pragmatic solution. | the drawbacks of X far outweigh its disadvantages. | various measures must be implemented to deal with X problems. | a range of measures must be used by practitioners to deal with X problems.

In most of the education systems, students are assessed by written examinations. Do you think it is a good idea or not? (Give your reasons.)

Recently, written examinations have sparked an ongoing controversy, which inevitably leads to a moot question “is it advantageous or not?” Whereas it is a widely held view that formal assessments are highly beneficial, I will discuss controversial aspects of that throughout this essay.

From the educational standpoint, written exams are bound up inextricably with education systems, which indicates they lead to both students and teachers. As a well-known example, a longitudinal study conducted by eminent scientists in 2014 demonstrates the relationship between formal education and distant learning as well as an exponential increase in scores. Their academic criticism was impressive. Consequently, my empirical evidence presented thus far supports the contention that the likelihood of good results is correlated positively with not only formal assessments but also training systems.

Within the realm of psychological science, without the slightest doubt, formal examinations attribute to performance appraisal, in that it would come down to stress, anxiety, and depression. A salient example of such attribution is cheating, which is a cause for concern since it was mistaken to take academic achievements for granted. Had there been a paradigm shift earlier, scholars might have had the opportunity to pinpoint psychological problems. Likewise, hardly had they confined their attention to academic background, systematic training, and even curriculum reform. Hence, it is reasonable to infer the pivotal role of education systems.

To conclude, as for myself, as the saying goes “all’s well that ends well,” after analyzing what elaborated above, I firmly believe that the advantages of written exams are of more significance. However, with the benefit of hindsight, we conceive the more we research, the further we discover.

PTEMegazine Collection:


1.Agree- Disagree (your opinion base structure)
 One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is………………..
There is widespread worry that this would only lead to myriad of concerns in ___(the society)
In my opinion, this apprehension is unwarranted and so should be rejected.
OR (In my opinion, this apprehension is warranted and merits serious consideration)
Body paragraph 1 ( +ve side )
There is a deluge of arguments in favor of my stance. The most preponderant one is that……………………………..
Not only + A.Verb + SUB + M.V,   But +subject + A.Verb ( optional)  +also + M.V
Aux. Verb--- (Can/ do/ does)
Needless to say, all these benefits stand something in good stead when doing somethingis concerned.      OR
(Needless to say, all these demerits have a far reaching impact on the society, individual’s lives, and participant’s lives)
Body paragraph 2   ( +ve side )
Another pivotal aspect/ or (overt facet) of this argument is that, …………………..
Besides, ………………………….
Hence, it is apparent why many are (in favor of) / (against) the (topic).
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits/drawbacks(of topic) are indeed too great/dire to ignore.

2.Both sides structure (pros & cons) (Advantages and disadvantages)
One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is ……………………..
As such, there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter or (latter outdo the former)
Body paragraph 1 ( +ve side)
There are a deluge of arguments in favor of my stance …………………………..
The most preponderant one is that ……………………
Not only + A.Verb + SUB + M.V1,   But +subject + A.Verb ( optional)  +also + M.V2
Needless to say, all these benefits stand mankind in good stead when doing …….. is concerned.
 (Needless to say, all these demerits have a far reaching impact on the society, individual’s lives, and participant’s lives)
Body paragraph 2 ( -ve side)
There are, however, some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits ofsomething. (Some benefits that can easily overwhelm the potential drawbacks of something)
Primarily, ………………………………………   
Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor or (against) OF THIS TOPIC

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some drawbacks, the benefits of (topic) are indeed too (great) / (dire) to ignore.

One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world a colossal upsurge in (topic content)
There are a wide range of factors that account for why this is happening. Or
There is a range of impacts that can be attributed to this problem.

In my opinion (or I am of the opinion that), this situation can be remedied provided that some effective measures are taken.
Body paragraph 1
There is a myriad of reasons accountable for (consequences associated with) this soaring concern.
The most preponderant one is that ……………………….
Not only + A.Verb + SUB + M.V1,   But +subject + A.Verb ( optional)  +also + M.V2
Needless to say, all these demerits have a far reaching impact on something.

Body paragraph 2
Steps to deal with this problem are many, the most effective ones are not remote and complicated, but accessible and practicable.
The primary one lies in the fact that / (stems from the fact that) .1-Govt. can do / should. ……..
Besides, …(international organizations/NGO’s  -- can help in funding)……..
[optional] Last but not least, …. ( individual’s/ awareness program to educate people)…….
Only when convergent efforts from all sectors are ensured can we expect to see a considerable progress in overcoming this soaring concern.

To conclude, dealing with (the topic) is one of the most prevalent issues that face almost all countries of the world today. Nevertheless, the concrete steps as discussed earlier can effectively strengthen the fight against and alleviate this growing concern. Its potential impact is indeed too dire to ignore.

Reference: Youtube [Problem and Solution]