Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Template 1:
Whereas principles of N attribute to N and N, 
the significance of N would relate to not only N but also N and N, 
so as not to undermine the implications of N, N, N, N, N, and N as well as N.

Template 2:
While ideas of N characteristic to N and N, 
the importance of N might relate to not only N but also N and N, 
in order not to attenuate the repercussions of N, N, N, N, N, and N and also N.

Template 3:
Whereas concepts concerning N characteristic to N and N, 
the magnitude of N would relate to not solely N however conjointly N and N, 

so as not to bring down the ramifications of N, N, N, N, N, and N as well as N.

Another Template:

Whereas the fundamental essence of the co-evolutionary relationship between cows and grass emphasizes the significance of the modern meat and ruminants, the corresponding impacts of withstanding the grazing of ruminants such as maintaining habitat and the manure are acknowledged, and offering a plentiful supply of lunch could be inferred evidently from converting grass into high-quality protein, which the potential implications of the rumen as well as a resident population of bacteria are presumed. (73 words)

Reference: (http://www.allinfi.com/); https://englishkey.com.au/

  • Summarize the text about 30 words only, don’t exceed more than 50 words.
  • Use only one full stop at the end of the sentence.
  • Capitalize the starting words and nouns (Names) in the sentence.
  • No more than 30 words for the best answer. ( Min 5 words, Max 70 words)
  • Be aware of Spellings, Plurals, Pronunciations.
  • Concentrate on Topic Sentences, Repeated words.
  • No examples, Reasons, and Illustrations.
  • A summary must be written in third person form. Don’t use I, We… etc.
  • Most of the Summarize the answer from the last para so concentrate on it.
  • Try to summarize each para first later concentrate on it and make it a single sentence.
  • Time manage –  3min Planning, 5min writing, 2min checking for mistakes(spelling, grammar).
  1. Identify the main ideas
Then, identify the main idea of each paragraph. Sometimes there are 1-2 paragraphs, sometimes 5! Usually, though, you can identify the main idea of each paragraph. This is normally, though not always, stated in the topic sentence (the first sentence) of each paragraph.

  1. Paraphrase
Rephrase the main points in your own words. One of the most common mistakes students make is copying the words from the text and putting them directly into their summary. This is a major error. To achieve a high score, you must use your own words. To do this, you need to know synonyms (words that have the same or a similar meaning e.g. fast and quick).

Template (Source: PTEMagazine)

Whereas principles of N attribute to N and N, the significance of N would relate to not only N but also N and N, so as not to undermine the implications of N, N, N, N, N, and N as well as N.
Total word count: 43
Number of Ns: 14

1⃣ Extract the most important key points from the text, including nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

2⃣ You should substitute the Ns with the extracted key points.

3⃣ You should replace those Ns in the template with a noun or a noun phrase. So, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments to your key points. For example, if you extract an important verb, convert it to a noun.

4⃣ Write a summary of approximately 50 words. I do not suggest very long and wordy summaries.

5⃣ When replacing Ns with key points from the text, REMEMBER TO USE A SUITABLE ARTICLE/MODIFIER.

6⃣ When replacing Ns with key points from the text, DO NOT USE A PHRASE WITH MORE THAN FOUR WORDS. For example, “dominating the foreign exchange trading” is not suggested.

7⃣ When replacing Ns with key points from the text, DO NOT USE PHRASES THAT HAVE “and,” “or” EMBEDDED IN THEM. For example, “educational equity and quality” should not be placed instead of one N. Alternatively, break it into two parts.

8⃣ Try to keep “not only N but also N and N” structure as short as possible. I suggest using one-word key points for them. For example, conservancies, opportunities, Namibia, etc.

9⃣ The number of Ns after the word “implications” completely depends on the text and your understanding of it. You can delete some of them if you feel your key points are adequate.

Please pay attention to the punctuation.

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